Sunday, September 22, 2013

More GFIT (the warm-up)

Even though it hasn't even been a week yet, I'm writing about group fitness again because it's my biggest learning curve right now. After my Friday meeting I started freaking out about being able to know / hear the start and end of all the 32 count phrases in the music. And being able to start my moves at the right place. But when practicing my warm-up today at home, I didn't let that be my biggest concern. I listened for the downbeat, of course, and sometimes I think I anticipated when a new phrase started. But I think that's the only way to do it. You have to be able to pick it up wherever. And I'm sure the 32-count will be more important when I design combinations, but luckily the warm-up can be a little looser as far as the number of side touches or marches I do.

That was another thing. Figuring out how many of those moves equaled a certain count (which was determined by how many beats ONE of them took and then multiplying). But it's hard when you're also counting the beat of the music in your head at the same time and you have to keep track of how many moves you've done. You know, every step of your foot is a beat, and if a move is more than one step, then you haven't completed a move. So to count the moves? But sometimes feeling with your body is easier than intellectualizing it. Right now I have to focus on transitioning between things, remembering everything I'm gonna do (they said we could put notes on the mirror if we want, but I might be able to remember the warm-up, we'll see), and talking through the stuff. Next week will be actual combinations and then after that, figuring out different exercises to do for different muscles and stuff. We've started familiarizing ourselves with that, but I'm sure I'll be writing down a lot more (along with steps) to make a notebook of things to pick out.

As for music, I downloaded the same mix my step instructor is using. I checked out some CDs from the campus rec music library too, but haven't listened to them yet. But I guess I have some choices now. And I know where to go to download stuff. But we can use the same CD for multiple classes and start it in different places (but if it's only an hour and the class is an hour, I guess there is some limitation). And some mixes are only one continuous track so I won't be able to jump around with those. And I can't plug my phone into the sound system because it's too old a version to be compatible. So I guess I'll have to find mixes that are actually separate tracks after this. Man, I feel like the pace of this group fitness instruction class is soo fast. But at least I haven't fallen behind yet. And hey, if something takes time to get, it's okay. As long as I'm applying myself and gaining knowledge. That, I am definitely doing.

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