Friday, August 30, 2013

First week done, job thoughts, health thoughts

I was excited to work at the college bookstore at first, but what I wrote about it in a previous post wouldn't hold true for the actual rush week that was this week (which is maybe comparable to Black Friday for regular retail workers). I got scheduled for 34 hours, pretty much all the time I wasn't in class. It wasn't bad when there were lots of books to put away or when the store was so crowded you could count on having to help someone find their books every time you turned around. Because as I've said before, having your mind engaged in something is better for your health than having to wander. But being on my feet for so many hours straight was something I wasn't used to. (I seriously don't remember how I worked in a warehouse for two and a half years a few years ago). And I was so paranoid about not taking too long of a break that I don't feel I gave myself enough time to eat or rest or whatever. Because I was always hungry, for one thing. And physically, it was just uncomfortable, and this is why. When you're on your feet, you're not sedentary the way you are in a cubicle, but it also isn't really exercise. My comfort zone is having sedentary periods mixed with periods of real exercise where I can digest properly and regulate my breathing and center of gravity better and all that. I don't know why almost every job I've had I've had to compromise the way I'd normally behave if I wasn't on the clock and being paid to do something. (And by 'behave' I mean physical health choices). And that's why I'm studying health!

Thankfully, on most days after this I'll get to just be home until mid-afternoon when I'll drive up to campus for class and nothing else. I am really good with that! One thing I never liked about college (and this comes from my FSU days as well) was trudging around campus carrying a ton of shit. It's way different than running (which I enjoy) without stuff weighing you down. It goes back to the gravity and breathing thing. You don't feel light the way you do when you're either resting or exercising for real. Instead, it's this in-between state of being which is neither rest nor exercise. And I don't know if it's good or bad, but I know it doesn't make me feel good. And I'm only writing about this because I'm viewing it as scientific inquiry. I've been so much more obsessed with my body and physical feelings over time that I've wondered if it's been too much. You know how when you're so busy with other things that you don't think about physical sensations as much and things just take care of themselves? I want that to be the norm for me. But sometimes I just can't help crossing over into obsession land when, for reasons beyond my control, I'm NOT busy enough or I have a job whose details I didn't anticipate. It's crazy.

I still feel like I'm trying to recover from the stuff I did this week. I know I messed something up in my body a few days ago when I spent too much time in one position while stretching, and as a result, felt like something shifted in my mid-section. Like above my stomach but below my chest. I think it happened once before and it eventually went away on its own, but it's uncomfortable. And frustrating when you feel like no matter what you do, it's not directly fixable except by waiting it out. And why did I spend longer in one particular position than normal? Because I didn't feel like myself after working and trudging around campus all day one day and not getting to stretch in between and...yeah. I guess I've said enough. I'm just glad the week is over and textbook employees won't be needed much more now. I have two more shifts, five hours tomorrow and four on Tues. Orientation for my tutoring job is also Tues., as well as class that night. So I have class and assignments, maybe GFIT auditions next Sat., getting birthday presents for Sept. birthdays, and becoming a long-distance auntie again in a few days. That's what's coming up!

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