Monday, August 19, 2013

New gadget, new work

I'm not a tech person, but I have been learning / researching some things since getting my tablet. And acquiring knowledge / consuming information in any form is always good. I think I would've had an even bigger learning curve if I'd gotten a laptop because the Windows 8 operating system is a bit more complicated. Android, on the other hand, is pretty simple like a phone except it has a bigger screen like I wanted.

First, I wanted to be able to access the desktop versions of websites instead of the mobile versions, and that turned out to be pretty easy. I learned that chrome is a better browser to use on a touch screen than firefox. The tabs are laid out better and I can actually click things and select them and get drop-down menus that I can't get in firefox.

That leads me to the second thing – clicking. I got a stylus so I'd have an easier time with icons and buttons that are small and close together. At one point, I thought I was going to need a mouse - which you apparently can use with either bluetooth or a micro usb adapter (because the usb port on the tablet is smaller than regular usb ports). I even looked for a micro usb adapter and found that no stores carried them near me. Luckily, amazon had them, but it turns out I might not need a mouse since I discovered I can do everything I want without one.

The one thing that is a little more difficult without a mouse is copying and pasting. You can copy and paste by pressing down on the text and holding it for a few seconds, which highlights it and brings up the clipboard menu, but I had to fuss with it a lot to get it to work. Another simple thing I learned was how to right-click, which you do the same way – by pressing down and holding until you get the menu options for what you want (like opening something in a new tab).

What else? I explored the office app, Kingsoft Office, a little bit. I sent my resume to myself to test it out. The layout looked different on it than it did on my computer, so I tried to fix it by adjusting the margins. For some reason, I still couldn't get the lines of text to end at the same places, but I guess that's a minor issue. If I have to really concern myself with formal documents, I'll be on my pc anyway. But having some kind of office app on the tablet seems like one of the basic things to have so I can, at the least, open certain things. I can read pdf docs in it too, so I don't even know if I need a separate adobe reader app. Maybe not.

The google play store is where I download apps from. I didn't even know there was a google books app already installed, lol. I knew ipads had ibooks and I knew there were kindle and nook apps for people who didn't have actual kindles or nooks, but google has its own book app too. Cool. So I downloaded one e-book so far, a 2.99 novella that was a companion to On the Island, which I recently read. In doing that, I learned how to make the book readable offline and how to navigate through other options in the app.

And speaking of navigation, I did a lot of navigating through online manuals, including one for the tablet itself, since it didn't come with one. I had to learn what all the icons meant, where the settings were, and how to organize the homescreen and whatnot. I never really used bluetooth before now, but it's pretty nifty for connecting the tablet to other devices wirelessly. It's how I use the separate keyboard I got for it. And my bf was able to send photos to me through it from his phone (without having to email them). So that was cool too.

In other goings-on, I started work at the school bookstore. I'm not getting many hours, and the boss wasn't kidding when he said he'd have around 200 employees. I've never seen so many people working in one small place at once like this before. But I guess it's not a major problem. As far as the work itself goes, I really enjoy it a lot because I'm on my feet the whole time, there's more to do to keep busy than at many of my previous jobs, and I'm dealing with books! For someone who loves books and organizing, it's fun to go through the shelves and have an intricate system like the one we have for textbooks. I wonder if I'd had a chance to work in a bookstore at a younger age, would it have led me to a different career? One in bookselling? I guess it doesn't matter. I've gone through that stuff in my head before. All is good the way it is right now for me.

I got my textbooks after my shifts because I saw they were there and I figured I might as well. With an employee discount, it'd make sense, right? After I did that without thinking to research prices elsewhere beforehand, I found out that our bookstore is so overpriced, I could've done better with amazon than with the bookstore, even WITH the employee discount. Kinda crazy. But I ended up renting my statistics books which I wouldn't have been able to do on amazon without a prime account. So maybe it's not a big deal that I got them where I did when I did. Technically I could order my health promotion book from amazon for cheaper and return the other one to the bookstore, but I don't know. If I knew for SURE I'd get the employee discount at the end of employment like my boss said, I probably wouldn't. But I don't know for sure because of the fact that he didn't schedule me for any shifts this week. I hope he emails me back soon. It's so hectic dealing with 200 people, I don't know how he does it.

Another small d'oh moment I had money-wise recently was seeing styluses for tablets at the dollar store after I already got one from office depot for almost $14. Really? I could've gotten one for a dollar? I suppose sometimes we all overspend on certain things, but I can't fret over every penny. Especially when there are better and more important ways to spend my time. Sometimes time is as valuable a commodity as money.

And speaking of time, I'm gonna have to get into the swing of a new schedule soon when classes start next week. It sometimes seems scary when you've gotten so used to not having classes or homework or papers or anything all summer and you think 'how did I do it before?' But somehow you manage, right? And you still find time to fit in outside things like family and social life. So I might be a little busier. So what? I can do this. Statistics on Tuesdays, health promotion on Thursdays, hopefully GFIT on Mondays and Wednesdays, and very part-time work in between. Yeah, I think I'm ready.

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