Saturday, October 4, 2014

Work and coach training

First week at my new job is done. Wow, is it demanding! We had to learn all the rules and regulations of medicare (and get tested on it), and next week we move to the “floor” for hands-on training. One good thing is that the trainers and my fellow trainees are cool. And young. That helps. And just knowing that you're in it together.

Schedule-wise, I was worried about (a) adapting my body to the hours, and (b) having enough time to get things done in the few short hours between getting home at night and going to bed for the next day. Surprisingly, though, I managed. And I'm remembering now that sometimes being busy can be good. It can make you rise to the occasion. Isn't that what I want? To be stimulated / challenged? It's true that I'd rather be challenged by something more fulfilling (the wellness coaching I'm studying now), but I think working in general is helping me anyway. When I have fewer choices of how to spend my time, it forces me to focus my attention differently. Or to overlook little body sensations I might feel from time to time. In my non-working life, they'd pose a problem. But when I can't afford to focus on the problem because of work, it kind of gets better. I hope I'm not speaking too soon on this, it's just that I'm hopeful in general about improving.

The wellness coach training is going pretty well too. I just did the reading / assignments for lesson 3 today (and the conference call for it is tomorrow). (I'm really hoping the overtime that's coming up at work soon won't make things too hard...but again, I'm optimistic that I can do it). I've gotten to talk to a few different people in the class (“learning partners”) for the hands-on application. I like it so much! And part of the object IS for us to be the client (in addition to the coach) while we're learning. We do get to help ourselves / work on ourselves. We have to be well to help others, right? We're not exempt from needing to grow and improve. So that is awesome. Because I've been wanting it, lol. In the first hands-on exercise, it was kind of hard for me to articulate what I wanted. But my partner said, “you may think you don't know, but you do.” She's probably right. I think I was having a hard time figuring out specifics of the physical health domain, but as I've said before, I think the physical might be taken care of when the career fulfillment happens. If you're unhappy in life or aren't challenged by what you do, it can result in physical manifestations. Other things we've covered include things such as mindfulness, open-ended inquiry, reflections, building on people's strengths, and getting them to come up with their own answers rather than telling them what to do. I think it is truly great.

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