Wednesday, April 8, 2015

More goings-on

I passed the oral exam, also with a 94% :) I think the examiner was very generous with that score, but I'm thankful that part is out of the way now; all I have left is the submission of my practice client data and my own wellness vision.

I found a new client, someone I don't know this time. As eager as I am to get this last requirement done, I want to do it right and not just turn in anything. Plus I could use the extra practice.

I've also been job searching and I've attended a couple webinars for continuing education. Although I can't get credit until I have my certification, I figured why not? 

I bought my membership to Wellcoaches which allowed me to attend one of the webinars. The other was for the National Wellness Institute, to which I got a free trial membership courtesy of the Tampa Wellness Council. 

If I could go back to any time in my life and live it forever, it'd be my undergraduate days of college. Specifically, the first year and a half or so. It was a magical time because I was living on my own, I was surrounded by friends who'd become like family, I had the most sense of belonging I ever felt. (And I didn't have to worry about making a living or paying bills yet!) They say that social life is an important part of wellness. There have been times when I've tried to be 'independent' and strong in the face of loneliness that occurred after the end of my college days when everybody moved and got jobs, families, houses, and basically transitioned into adulthood and the real world. I had my own path and own things to pursue, of course. But sometimes you just can't deny that you need some of that closeness back. Some of that prior 'belonging' back. It's not easy to get. I guess in a way, even though I've grown since college and experienced the world and figured out what I wanted to do career-wise, I'm still not as far advanced from the life of a twenty-year-old as some. I haven't 'settled down' or done the common milestones people do in their thirties. Am I okay with that? I think I'm okay as long as I keep progressing with what I want to progress with. Everyone has his or her own path. But right now, part of my path is finding people who are on a similar one as I am, lol. Camaraderie, companionship, wellness.

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