Friday, September 5, 2014

New job again

So recently my job search strategy expanded to include ones that weren't necessarily related to what I wanted to do but that I could do anyway. For a couple of reasons. One, when you need income, you can't afford to be picky. Two, the jobs I would want would be easier to get once I have my coaching certification, which I don't yet. And since I'm starting the training for it this month, why not have a job that's purposely unrelated so I'll be able to more easily focus on it (the coach training) when I'm home? In other words, a job that will only require my attention when I'm there. Further along this line, I thought something part-time would be ideal. But I got offered something full-time. As an enrollment specialist for a company that sells Medicare Advantage plans. I debated at length about it, but decided to take it because I feel like it's something I could do that wouldn't be too terrible (I don't have to be on the phones too much, it's more dealing with application processing) and my mind wouldn't be dead like at some jobs I've had in the past. I'd actually be busy and using my brain (there's a 2 week training where we have to learn all about Medicare). And the scheduling is nice in that we can come in any time between 7:30 and 9:30 am as long as we put in 8 hours. It's been a while since I worked full-time so I don't know how much of a challenge it'll be for me time-wise with my coach training and sleeping and work-life balance and all that...but I guess I'll see. I just didn't want to pass up the opportunity because who knows how long I would've gone before finding something else? It's true that by the end of my coach training I SHOULD be able to get the job I want that I went back to school for and that will make me happy (helping people be healthy), so it's not like I'll be processing medicare applications forever. But another small part of me is, weirdly enough, looking forward to getting out of the house and being with other people and being productive. Crazy! (Even though I do enjoy sitting around reading all day and am sometimes reluctant to let that go. It's just that there's also the small issue of needing money). Even if I didn't get a job, I'd still be connecting with people and being productive because of the coach training. But oh well. What's happening is happening and I'm ready to roll.

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