Friday, January 24, 2014

New year, 4th semester, goings-on so far

I'm glad I don't have a demanding job while being a student because it means I can devote the time I would've spent at a job to studying and have a little extra time for myself. For pleasure reading, maybe?During my previous three semesters I mostly reserved pleasure reading for breaks and didn't mix it with classes. I felt I was too busy / distracted to read, and there's sometimes a measure of guilt that goes along with it too. But here I am coming up to the fourth week of classes and I'm on the last book in a series I started last month shortly before finals. Living dangerously, hehe. But honestly, a person should have some free time, right? I'm kind of a work-a-holic in the sense that if there's something I know I could be doing to be productive, I want to just do it. But you learn to compartmentalize things because otherwise it'd be easy to drive yourself crazy working endlessly on something, even though you might feel like you actually could. It's about balance. 

But having said that, I should at least mention my classes I'm taking now. Legal aspects of physical activity (with the professor I had for health promotion last semester who I really like and who usually doesn't give us too big a workload) is one. Another is Fitness assessment and prescription which, so far, is pretty much like the undergrad testing & prescription class I took last spring. One thing that's different is that we're gonna have to do a project where we come up with our own fitness plan or something (the details are still being worked out). It wasn't one of my most looked forward to classes to be honest, but it was a requirement. And I should really try to retain some of it considering how my own fitness issues are being addressed in another arena outside of class (which I'll get to later). The last class is Lifespan fitness, a subject that is somewhat interesting to me but which happens to be taught by my most intimidating professor who always gives the biggest workload and who makes even a subject of interest to me seem so hard it might as well be rocket science. Seriously, the studies she makes us read are still filled with physiological stuff and obscure numbers and facts and statistics and I always feel like a kindergartner trying to make sense of it all. But whatever.

So reading and classes I covered. In addition to doing what it takes to pass my classes this time around (why is it always a scary thought?), I have comprehensive exams right after Spring Break in March. I think that might be a time when I'll have less time for pleasure reading and when time management will really come into play. I always fear not having enough time, but I think fear happens only when I look ahead. Sometimes it's better when I'm in the midst of something and don't have to worry about it because I'm too busy concentrating on what it is I'm actually doing.

So classes and exams. The final two things I have to mention are applying for internships and the counselor/nutritionist/physician action plan I'm on to get well. (Might as well mention it instead of beating around the bush). I sent my resume and cover letter to one internship (my top choice) so far. This was done under the assumption that I will be well enough to do it as planned over the summer. The other alternative is that I won't be well enough and will have to put it off until after I graduate – which I'm hoping won't be the case. But the only reason I even think it is because getting well is a process that takes time. I haven't seen the GI doctor yet (but will soon), and I've had a couple counseling sessions so far to address the head part of being underweight. It is both physical and mental. It's still too early for me to answer any of my own questions that I posed here in previous posts, but I hope soon that will change.
I guess that's all for now!

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