Sunday, November 3, 2013

Supplemental Education

So my AFAA certification exam was yesterday. I feel like I did okay on the written portion, but I'm not sure about the practical. The nice thing about our moderator was that she pointed out corrections to us while we were practicing if she saw something off in our alignment. So I tried to take everything into account. But the more revelatory thing that's come out of this group exercise experience for me is making sure I'm healthy. It took until halfway through my 3rd semester of grad school to finally take some action on that. It wasn't just the challenge of the group exercise stuff that made me take action, but digestive issues that started creeping up as well. So I'm going to consult with some wellness practitioners on campus to try and sort through some things. One of which might be how quitting figure-skating all those years ago affected me. Being an athlete and not being one are two very different lifestyles. Not everyone has to be an athlete, but if you're not one, it doesn't mean you should barely eat enough to survive. And that's sort of what happened with me, I think. Or maybe it's a mixture of that with some other things, I don't know. I just looked back at one of my posts from August about things I might be able to contribute to my field to remind myself what I was thinking about. I was thinking about how mental states affect your physical state. So that could still have a tie-in, maybe. I'm really eager to explore this stuff – maybe now I finally will be able to. And it's not part of my classes. But being in the classes I'm in sort of jump-started this action step, which is awesome. That's what you want in life – to have one thing lead to another. USF has a wellness dept (not an academic program, just a dept). And although it's separate from the exercise science program, the exercise science program led me to it. And maybe it will lead me to something else, who knows. But I will put everything together in the end, and that's what I'm most excited about.

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