Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Post to procrastinate working on final projects for school

I am going to be interning with the person from whom I hoped to hear, which I'm really happy about! And I'm becoming more certain about letting go of the idea of becoming a fitness specialist in favor of becoming a health promotion specialist / wellness coach. It just seems like a better fit, I think. Wellness is a more global concept (of which physical fitness is just one aspect). While I definitely had an interest in fitness, it was never the only thing I was interested in. And it feels sorta repetitive for me to go into it again, so I don't know if I will too much. It's just on my mind, that's all. The idea of what makes us feel happy. Sometimes it's being active, sometimes it's being creative...but it's always about being in a state of 'flow.' When you don't have that, that's when wellness (be it mental or physical, because they're so connected) is impacted. I know this. I've been trying to find a way into it, trying to figure out how it fits/applies to my life at the same time. And I feel like I'm on the precipice of getting into it, of joining my interests with my work so they'll finally be merged. I hope!
And I want to form new relationships like the ones I formed in undergrad. I want to recreate that feeling I had upon joining a close-knit community (like theatre school) where simply being present gives you a sense of belonging and an almost automatic erasure of lines that divide professional from personal. Where you can just share everything. Because as adults, we have so many secrets and protective walls and it's kind of rare to break those down because we always have to be professional, ya know? But I can feel new opportunities on my horizon. They have to be there. It's funny, one of my best friends used to say that if people could read her, great – but she wouldn't volunteer information about herself unless someone asked. I often feel like I have so much I want to volunteer but it's the type of stuff you just don't. So you secretly hope and wish for someone to ask, lol. For that opportunity to arise where you can break down walls. I guess it's the old theatre person in me that still longs for that and still is obsessed with human nature. Obsession with human nature can manifest itself in theatre, literature, psychology...all the subjects I was interested in – and science. And wellness and health. Now that I think about it, I suppose there's some sense in grouping the terms 'arts and sciences.' (Universities often have 'colleges of arts and sciences.') They can go together. Maybe I'll have a unique marketing angle for myself as a wellness coach someday – 'background in theatre and exercise science.' Lol.

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