Sunday, February 10, 2013

Second semester classes so far

This post is the last one from my old blog - I decided to copy and paste it here so I can pick up where I left off.

Not much to talk about except how classes are going so far. The exercise testing & prescription is helping me feel more up to speed with my grad classes. Or at least confirming what I'm learning and filling in holes and whatnot. I actually have it 4 days a week – lecture on Tues. and Thurs. and lab on Mon. and Wed. So far in lab we've measured each other's heart rate and blood pressure, we've gone over risk stratification, and now we're doing circumferences and skinfolds. After that we'll probably get into the cardiovascular endurance tests and muscular strength. I'm pretty eager to test my fitness! There are times when I feel I have enough energy to exert myself a lot for a long period (or, simply, to 'exercise,' lol). And although I exert myself a little sometimes, I don't often go to my full capacity. But by getting into the fitness field, I'll maybe get the opportunity to do that.

Body composition assessment and management is one of my other classes. It's taught by my epidemiology professor, so it's challenging (as was her other class). But hopefully I'll manage. Sometimes when you simply pretend to be smart, others believe you are (whether it's true or not, lol). And sometimes that's how you succeed. And by showing up, participating, etc. And talking about obesity is always fun (its prevalence in society, how to fix it, etc.). And anything that has to do with the body is mostly interesting to me. (I say 'mostly' because I'm still not a big physiology person, but hey). And also I think it's cool that we'll be critiquing a popular diet book of our choice for the class.

Psychology of exercise is my other class. I love psychology so it's pretty interesting to me. We have a different topic every week and we read studies on that topic. So far we've covered stress, anxiety, depression, and now we're on emotion/mood/affect. Coming up will be stuff like body image, self-esteem, motivation, sleep, addiction, and some others. We have to give powerpoint presentations for the class, so I had to learn it quick. But I did, so that was cool.

After taking a break from my phone survey job for most of Nov. and all of Dec., I started again the first week of school (doing just Mon., Wed., and Fri. afternoons). But I'm not sure how long it's going to last because the quota is getting harder to meet all the time. Oh well, we'll see what happens I guess.

Better get back to studying. I just felt like I was gonna go crazy if I didn't write something. For a while I didn't have anything, so I kinda resisted. But just this much was something.

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