Sunday, May 27, 2018


I'm several weeks into the new job now and I have a lot to write about because a lot has happened in that time. It definitely feels like the job is taking up my whole life, but I will say that my co-workers lighten the burden I might otherwise feel if I was doing it alone. In many of my past jobs I felt like I didn't belong or I had the attitude of “this is only temporary, I might as well not get attached” which didn't serve me well because nobody is an island, you know? You need connection wherever you are. And I've found some people now with whom I can relate and it's great. None of us really know if this is where we're meant to be forever, but it's okay because it's like we're in it together for now. That makes a huge difference.

I did not find a roommate in time so I did end up moving back with my parents. As much as I wanted to find a place of my own, that would not have been smart because if my job didn't last, then I'd be in trouble again. It's still too early for me to tell if it will last or not. It'd be nice if it would because finding another job gets more and more difficult as time goes by. And I really don't want to stay here with my parents. I would like to get my own place for once. Or move in with my sister in another state (but she has to get rid of her roommate first). If I got my own place, J could maybe move in for a trial phase. I guess there are a few possibilities. It just feels crazy that being able to settle down is such a challenge.

I think I can say the improved environment of my job does make up for the less than ideal hours. In my last post, I wondered whether adrenaline or anticipation or whatever might help me get energized and overcome the waking up early and possibly getting less sleep thing. I think it has a little. I still struggle a little with the health issue I've been having all along, but that takes time. How is my time being spent now? (I talked a lot about time in my last post too). At work, I have one student each hour, so it's 8 kids a day. Some are calm, some are hyperactive, but at least there is always interaction which is nice. Week nights I barely have time to eat (often with my parents now), check email, and talk to J before going to bed. There is little wiggle room, so when it was that time of month this past week and I felt super tired, I laid down upon getting home which threw schedule off a little, but luckily I only got to bed an hour later that night. And I still survived with less sleep by eating less (and then I was dizzy and light headed for a while which has been happening now with that time of month) but that is a small price to pay I guess.

Sometimes family and friends ask me what I do for fun and make suggestions about things for me to do...I feel like saying WHEN? I feel like my free time has diminished significantly. My past few weekends have been taken up with moving affairs, so maybe soon I'll get to breathe and feel normal again. But even so, if I add tv / reading back into the picture as a “fun” thing, that's basically it for me. Time is filled. During the week these past few weeks, the idea of watching tv (which I used to do with J) was so far away (which was okay because shows just had their finales) and I felt sad because I felt like I was running around trying to fit everything in and it felt like being rushed (because of the job taking so much time)...maybe that sounds like a first world problem. Or maybe I just have anxiety. I have a lot on my mind. I'm trying to take care of myself / health issues while trying to make a living and get to the point where I can settle down. It can be stressful. I guess the main thing is having people who are there to support you. Which I do. I'm thankful for that. And I constantly am telling myself to just take one thing at a time. Trying to look at everything all at once can be overwhelming.