Wednesday, April 11, 2018


So none of the jobs I mentioned in my last post came through, but I got another one. It's tutoring but for a company that works with students with learning challenges such as autism, dyslexia, ADHD, etc. It's full time, it's face to face, it's helping people learn to read. Sounds fulfilling / rewarding. I did tutoring before this as a “for now” job because I couldn't get hired in the field(s) I was pursuing. Did I think it was gonna happen again? That I'd have to settle for plan B while perpetually seeking plan A? What if I just embrace plan B and not worry about A anymore? Well, I would if it just entailed enjoyment of the work itself because as I said, it sounds fulfilling. But what about the pay? I admit that pay isn't that important, especially if you don't enjoy the work. But I'm not talking about the difference between, say, middle class and upper middle class. I'm talking about the difference between being able to afford my own place to live vs. having to share a place with someone. Is having to share a place the worst thing? Well, it can be. I know because I'm experiencing it right now living with roommate #2 who thankfully will be leaving pretty soon. Will I be able to find another one so I can stay in the apartment or will I end up back with my parents? This is something I wouldn't have had to worry about if I'd gotten a plan A job. But alas, the universe was just not wanting that.

How will my health fare with this new job? With my old job, I loved the flexibility of getting to set my own hours but I hated what was happening during those hours I was actually there. Will not having as much flexibility now be compensated for with not hating my environment? I thought setting my own hours was integral because in prior jobs I had that were 8-5, my body was screaming all the time. But honestly, my body was still bad even when I could control my schedule. So this is going to be interesting. Can I go the whole day without doing my ritual? I'm purposely being vague and not explaining what it is in order to not cross the line into this being “that” kind of blog (a blog about sickness). What kind of blog is it then? I don't know. I mean, I don't want my sickness to be my identity. But it's hard to hide and pretend to be normal too. I really want to be normal. My hope is that by trying to be, eventually it'll happen and I'll get better. Whatever happens, there are only two directions I can go in – better or worse.

Because I am starting a new job which brings change, my mind is going over what life and schedule will look like. Here was the structure of life with the old job: Got up, ate, showered, made lunch to take with me, went to work. Got home, ate, talked to J, watched tv (if it was a night something was on), checked email and facebook, went to bed.

Here was the structure of life with no job: Got up, ate, showered, then the time I would've been working was split between job searching and reading (an activity that previously was relegated to weekends). Still had dinner and talked to J and watched tv and checked email / fb (although I often did email earlier because I could).

Also I didn't mention that food shopping and laundry are also things I did and will do. As well as reading my blog subscriptions once a week and watching shows online that I can't watch on cable. And maybe movies sometimes. You'd think this would be a full life, huh? Yet sometimes there are times when you have to shop for birthdays or holidays. Or visit family / friends. You can see how even when not working (or working less than 40 hrs a week), time still gets filled up. Oh, and what if I have to add new roommate search in here? Or moving? So much stuff! That's why having 2 days off for every 5 hardly seems fair.

I value time more than anything. What is it gonna be like with my new job? I'll for sure have less time than with my old one because I had been doing 7 hour shifts, then 8 towards the end (including lunch break). Now it'll be 9 hours a day (because 8 with an hour lunch) plus commuting. I remember when I was in L.A. living on my own for a brief time, I actually fell into a schedule once where I came home from work, ate dinner, and went straight to bed so that I woke up on my own (without an alarm – I hate alarms) in the middle of the night and started my day from there. I don't know if that will be possible again, but I don't see myself getting up at 5:30 / 6 am to leave to get to work by 8 and still doing the stuff I used to do. Did I mention that in both previously discussed structures (with old job and no job) I usually got up between 7:30 and 8:30 am everyday? That is my body's natural rhythm. And believe me when I say that trying to sleep from 10-6, despite being eight hours, is not the same as sleeping from 12-8 or 11-7. It's just not. I don't know why. So what do I see myself doing? Hmm. I might try having my night be eating dinner, showering, and going to bed. No tv. (And maybe talking to J on the drive home?) Then seeing what time I wake up. Not sure if I'll still have to set an alarm or not. Maybe eat when I get up? Maybe do email and fb? And then go? I think that will cover all the essential things while still allowing me to get enough sleep. I feel like if I don't get enough sleep, that's what contributes to my body problems and health issues. But you know, when I was in college (undergrad) and having the time of my life, I'm sure I didn't sleep as much and was still healthy. I vaguely remember adrenaline carrying me through. Or just the anticipation of things I was looking forward to gave me all this energy. I didn't worry about bodily functions. They took a backseat to everything else. Could I somehow get back to that? That, to me, would be normalcy. Or healthy.