Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Spring goings-on

So I had an interview for a job with the Dept of Health recently, which was exciting. It was dealing with substance abuse and tobacco prevention for a county in south FL. (Not exactly what I studied, but it's health promotion, which I was exposed to a little in my classes at USF). I also had an interview for a community health worker job which dealt with traveling to patients' homes or hospitals, etc. and conducting assessments to determine appropriate resources for them. Also not exactly what I studied, but something that sounded interesting to me. I'm all about exploring as many things as possible in life. Have you ever felt like you wanted to do (or try) everything? How do you even know what you'll like if you've never done it? Ah, the game of life.

What will help me get better physically? I try not to talk about my personal health issues too much, but it's been a while, hasn't it? My health issue is probably most closely related to an eating disorder. (I hesitate to call it that for a few reasons, but for simplicity's sake, I will for now). It's something that happened as a result of frustration with working sedentary jobs for a time after I finished undergrad. And maybe from losing the sense of community I had at FSU. It could've been various things. But I had the idea that working in fitness would fix me. But I think by the time I got to studying fitness for my master's, it was too late. It kinda made things a little worse, actually. But fitness led to health and wellness coaching, and I thought that might be the answer. I wouldn't have to be physically active myself, but I could still have a job that would get me out of my own head. (What I mean by that is when you have challenging and engaging tasks, those things can make you forget about your own body. Theoretically). Not sure if it is the answer or not, as I haven't been able to test it out fully. But I can say that I want something with a variety of tasks where I'm not doing the same thing all day. Both of the jobs I interviewed for definitely had that.

Another job that seems appealing to me would be working at the library. I worked at one once, shortly before I moved to L.A. I didn't stay because at the time, my dream was acting and I was a naïve 23 yr old who didn't know better. But out of all my jobs, that library one was a good one. I don't know why I didn't think of applying for it before going to grad school. It didn't occur to me. And would going back to that now be a waste of everything else I've been exploring? Well, it's something I'll gladly take if the other things don't work out. (If I could even get it. Could lightning strike twice?)

Reading is a lifelong passion of mine. No matter what job or career I end up having, my time outside of work will always be looked forward to for my escape into other worlds. Sometimes I wish I could spend all my time reading, lol. This sort of brings me to another topic regarding passion and work. I used to want my work to be my life. I wanted to make a living off my passion. Does it sound crazy to not want that? I'm not saying I don't want to be passionate about what I do for work; I do. But I think I don't want to merge my reading passion in particular. I want that to be separate and purely for pleasure.
P.S. - I don't often mention specific books on here, but the Mara Dyer series which I just finished was phenomenal. And so is the follow-up, The Shaw Confessions. I am in love with Noah Shaw. I know he is fictional, but still.