Thursday, January 25, 2018

Work update / helping people

In my last post I questioned the amount of work I'd get being an independent contractor for the tutoring co. I signed up with. Well, I haven't gotten any up to this point. (Maybe English isn't a subject that is as much in demand?) As for the proofreading contract work, I tried multiple times to take a mock editing test after learning how to use the Word 'track changes' feature. (My actual job I've been doing for the past couple years used its own software that was different). It wasn't as easy as I thought. Especially for a resume they gave me. I found myself adding comments telling the person what they should change rather than actually making the changes because I didn't know how to make them without starting a new document from scratch. That would've been so much easier. Needless to say, it was frustrating and I lost the enthusiasm I had for trying to do that kind of work.

Meanwhile, I've been in limbo with my current job not having enough work and getting unemployment to hold me over. I'm really not that upset about it because it's given me extra time to look for other things. I don't want to go into too much detail, but I wanted to write down some musings. I had an interest in health and wellness coaching. Also coaching people on other things that might make them happy / improve their lives. And being happy / improving one's life doesn't always have to do with losing weight or some physical health related thing. But if it does have to do with that (which is what I got certified to help with), could it be a result of something else not going right in the person's life to the point where it manifests in physical symptoms? That's what I am intrigued by and what relates most closely to my personal life. It's about recognizing when something isn't going right and taking steps to remedy it. For me, I thought that lack of fulfillment in my work was the thing to address to fix other concerns. Was I right? Well, if I was or wasn't, there is no denying that the pursuit to change my work led to things I might not have stumbled on if I hadn't gone down that path. The point is, you have to take SOME action, whether it's the right one or not. That's how you learn. And that's what I think I could bring to the table if I were to still get into coaching. Regardless of whether it's health, job, relationships, etc., the common thread that ties together the various professions dealing with those things is listening to a client, meeting them where they are, and working on helping them change so that whatever is ailing them can be improved.